Discrete CATS Seminar
Speaker: Ben Reese
University of Kentucky
Title: Pipe Dream Complexes and Root Polytopes
Qualifying Exam
Committee: M Readdy (Chair), R Ehrenborg, M Yip, Derek Young
Speaker: Ben Reese
University of Kentucky
Title: Pipe Dream Complexes and Root Polytopes
Qualifying Exam
Committee: M Readdy (Chair), R Ehrenborg, M Yip, Derek Young
Title: Lattice minors and Eulerian posets
Abstract: We define a notion of deletion and contraction for lattices. The result of a sequence of deletions and contractions is called a minor of the original lattice. The name minors is justified by the fact that the minors of the lattice of flats of a graph correspond to the simple minors of the graph when the vertices are labeled (and the edges unlabeled). For each finite lattice we define a poset of minors and show it is Eulerian and a PL sphere. We also obtain some inequalities for the cd-indices of these posets of minors.
Title: Coloring (P5, gem)-free graphs with ∆ − 1 colors.
Title: Characterizing quotients of positroids
Abstract: We characterize quotients of specific families of positroids. Positroids are a special class of representable matroids introduced by Postnikov in the study of the nonnegative part of the Grassmannian. Postnikov defined several combinatorial objects that index positroids. In this talk, we make use of one of these objects called a decorated permutation to combinatorially characterize when certain positroids form quotients. Furthermore, we conjecture a general rule for quotients among arbitrary positroids on the same ground set. This is joint work with Carolina Benedetti and Daniel Tamayo.