Discrete CATS Seminar
Qualifying Exam
Speaker: Williem Rizer, University of Kentucky
Title: Combinatorics of the Positroidal Stratification of the Totally Nonnegative Grassmannian
The Grassmannian has been an object of much interest in algebra, geometry, and combinatorics. We can decompose the Grassmannian into matroid strata, in which each element of the stratum has the same set of nonzero Plücker coordinates corresponding to the bases of a matroid. If we restrict to the elements of the Grassmannian with nonngeative coordinates, the corresponding matroids are called positroids. Postnikov revealed a family of combinatorial objects that can be used to parameterize positroidal cells. Recently, various authors have studied objects (X-diagrams and LACD colored permutations) that are in correspondence with this family, though the bijections exhibited do not commute with one another. In this talk we discuss all of these objects, the bijections between them, the information they reveal about positroids, and the possible connections and generalizations we can make to fold these newer objects neatly into the family.