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discrete CATS seminar

Title: Permuto-associahedra as deformations of nested permutohedra 

Abstract: A classic problem connecting algebraic and geometric combinatorics is the realization problem: given a poset (with a reasonable structure), determine whether there exists a polytope whose face lattice is the poset. In the 1990s, Kapranov defined a poset, called the permuto-associhedron, as a hybrid between the face poset of the permutohedron and the associahedron, and he asked whether this poset is realizable. Shortly after his question was posed, Reiner and Ziegler provided a realization. In this talk, I will discuss a different construction we obtained as a deformations of nested permutohedra. This is joint work with Federico Castillo.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Pairwise Completability for 2-Simple Minded Collections.

Abstract:  Let Lambda be a basic, finite dimensional algebra over an arbitrary field, and let mod(Lambda) be the category of finitely generated right modules over Lambda. A 2-term simple minded collection is a special set of modules that generate the bounded derived category for mod(Lambda). In this talk we describe how 2-term simple minded collections are related to finite semidistributive lattices, and we show how to model 2-term simple minded collections for the preprojective algebra of type A. 

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: The Geometry and Combinatorics of Convex Union Representable Complexes  

Abstract: The study of convex neural codes seeks to classify the intersection and covering patterns of convex sets in Euclidean space. A specific instance of this is to classify "convex union representable" (CUR) complexes: the simplicial complexes that arise as the nerve of a collection of convex sets whose union is convex. In 2018 Chen, Frick, and Shiu showed that CUR complexes are always collapsible, and asked if the converse holds: is every collapsible complex also CUR? We will provide a negative answer to this question, and more generally describe the combinatorial consequences arising from the geometric representations of CUR complexes. This talk is based on joint work with Isabella Novik.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

TItle: Tropical Support Vector Machines
Abstract:  Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are one of the most popular supervised learning models to classify using a hyperplane in an Euclidean space. Similar to SVMs, tropical SVMs classify data points using a tropical hyperplane under the tropical metric with the max-plus algebra. In this talk, first we show generalization error bounds of tropical SVMs over the tropical projective space. While the generalization error bounds attained via VC dimensions in a distribution-free manner still depend on the dimension, we also show theoretically by extreme value statistics that the tropical SVMs for classifying data points from two Gaussian distributions as well as empirical data sets of different neuron types are fairly robust against the curse of dimensionality. Extreme value statistics also underlie the anomalous scaling behaviors of the tropical distance between random vectors with additional noise dimensions.  This is joint work with M. Takamori, H. Matsumoto and K. Miura.
Event Series:

Discrete CATS seminar

Title: Determinantal formulas with major indices

Abstract: Krattenthaler and Thibon discovered a beautiful formula for the determinant of the matrix indexed by permutations whose entries are q^maj( u*v^{-1} ), where “maj” is the major index. Previous proofs of this identity have applied the theory of nonsymmetric functions or the representation theory of the Tits algebra to determine the eigenvalues of the matrix. I will present a new, more elementary proof of the determinantal formula. Then I will explain how we used this method to prove several conjectures by Krattenthaler for variations of the major index over signed permutations and colored permutations. This is based on joint work with Donald Robertson and Clifford Smyth.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Quotients of Lattice Path Matroids 

Abstract: Matroids are a combinatorial object that generalize the notion of linear independence. One way to characterize matroids is via polytopes, as shown in the work of Gelfand, Goresky, MacPherson, Serganova. In this talk we will focus on a particular class of matroids called Lattice Path Matroids (LPMs). We will show when a collection M_1,...,M_k of LPMs are a flag matroid, using their combinatorics. Part of our work will show that the polytope associated to such a flag can be thought as an interval in the Bruhat order, and thus provides a partial understanding of flags of LPMs from a polytopal point of view. We will not assume previous knowledge on matroids nor quotients. This is joint work with Kolja Knauer.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Three combinatorial applications

Abstract: This is not one seminar talk. This is three small seminars.  First, we prove a geometric result of Dirichlet using combinatorics. Second, as an application of posets we obtain Sylvester's two coin result.  Finally, we present a counting proof when 2 is a quadratic residue in a finite field.

The third topic is joint work with Frits Beukers and Karthik Chandrasekhar.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Limit Laws for q-Hook Formulas

Abstract:  Various asymptotic aspects of the Hook Length Formula for standard Young tableaux have been studied recently in combinatorics and probability.   In this talk, we study the limiting distributions that come from random variables associated to Stanley's q-hook-content formula for semistandard tableaux and q-hook length formulas of Bj\"orner-Wachs related to linear extensions of labeled forests.  We show that, while these limiting distributions are "generically'' asymptotically normal, there are uncountably many non-normal limit laws. More precisely, we introduce and completely describe the compact closure of the moduli space of distributions of these statistics in several regimes.  The additional limit distributions involve generalized uniform sum distributions which are topologically parameterized by certain decreasing sequence spaces with bounded 2-norm. The closure of the moduli space of these distributions in the L\'evy metric gives rise to the moduli space of DUSTPAN distributions.  As an application, we completely classify the limiting distributions of the size statistic on plane partitions fitting in a box.

This talk is based on joint work with Joshua Swanson at UCSD.

Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Some recent applications of real-rooted polynomials
Abstract: In enumerative, geometric, algebraic and topological combinatorics the inequalities that hold amongst the coefficients of a combinatorial generating polynomial are frequently studied.  Typical questions ask whether or not the coefficient sequence is unimodal, log-concave, alternatingly increasing and/or gamma-nonnegative.  We will discuss some recent results that rely on the real zeros of polynomials to give answers to questions of this type.  The main applications will pertain to polytopal cell complexes and lattice polytopes.  Aside from giving answers, we will also pose some new problems motivated by these results.  
Event Series:

discrete CATS seminar

Title: Increasing and Invariant Parking Sequences 

Abstract: The notion of parking sequences is a new generalization of parking functions introduced by Ehrenborg and Happ. In the parking process defining the classical parking functions, instead of each car only taking one parking space, the cars are allowed to have different sizes and each takes up a number of adjacent parking spaces after a trailer that was parked at the start of the street. A preference sequence in which all the cars are able to park is called a parking sequence. In this talk, we will look at increasing parking sequences and their connections to lattice paths. We will also discuss two notions of invariance in parking sequences and present various characterizations and enumerative results. This is joint work with Catherine Yan.

Event Series: