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Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:  Gábor Hetyei, UNC Charlotte

Title:  Brylawski's tensor product formula for Tutte polynomials of colored graphs


The tensor product of a graph and of a pointed graph is obtained by replacing each edge of the first graph with a copy of the second. In his expository talk we will explore a colored generalization of Brylawski's formula  for the Tutte polynomial of the tensor product of a graph with a pointed graph and its applications.  Using Tutte's original (activity-based) definition of the Tutte polynomial we will provide a simple proof of Brylawski's formula. This can be easily generalized to the colored Tutte polynomials introduced by Bollobás and Riordan. Consequences include formulas for Jones polynomials of (virtual) knots and for invariants of composite networks in which some major links are identical subnetworks in themselves.

All results presented are joint work with Yuanan Diao, some of them are also joint work with Kenneth Hinson. The relevant definitions and the fundamental results used will be carefully explained.  

G. Hetyei will be a visitor of R. Ehrenborg and M. Readdy the first week of March.

745 POT
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:  Marta Pavelka, U Miami

Title:  2-LC triangulated manifolds are exponentially many


We introduce "t-LC triangulated manifolds" as those triangulations obtainable from a tree of d-simplices by recursively identifying two boundary (d-1)-faces whose intersection has dimension at least d - t - 1. The t-LC notion interpolates between the class of LC manifolds introduced by Durhuus-Jonsson (corresponding to the case t = 1), and the class of all manifolds (case t = d). Benedetti-Ziegler proved that there are at most 2^(N d^2) triangulated 1-LC d-manifolds with N facets. Here we show that there are at most 2^(N/2 d^3) triangulated 2-LC d-manifolds with N facets.

We also introduce "t-constructible complexes", interpolating between constructible complexes (the case t = 1) and all complexes (case t = d). We show that all t-constructible pseudomanifolds are t-LC, and that all t-constructible complexes have (homotopical) depth larger than d - t. This extends the famous result by Hochster that constructible complexes are (homotopy) Cohen-Macaulay.

This is joint work with Bruno Benedetti. Details of the proofs and more can be found in our paper of the same title.

Marta Pavelka is a student of Bruno Benedetti.


745 POT
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:  Thomas McConville, Kennesaw State University

Title:  Lattices on shuffle words


The shuffle lattice is a partial order on words determined by two common types of genetic mutation: insertion and deletion. Curtis Greene discovered many remarkable enumerative properties of this lattice that are inexplicably connected to Jacobi polynomials. In this talk, I will introduce an alternate poset called the bubble lattice. This poset is obtained from the shuffle lattice by including transpositions. Using the structural relationship between bubbling and shuffling, we provide insight into Greene’s enumerative results. This talk is based on joint work with Henri Mülle. 


Thomas McConville will be visiting Khrystyna Serhiyenko

745 POT
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:   Derek Hanely, University of Kentucky

Title:          Ehrhart Theory of Paving and Panhandle Matroids


There has been a wealth of research recently on polytopes arising from matroids. One such polytope, the matroid base polytope, is obtained as the convex hull of incidence vectors corresponding to the bases of an underlying matroid. In this talk, we will discuss a generalization of Ferroni's work on the Ehrhart theory of sparse paving matroids. In particular, we will show that the base polytope $P_M$ of any paving matroid $M$ can be systematically obtained from a hypersimplex by slicing off certain subpolytopes, namely base polytopes of lattice path matroids corresponding to panhandle-shaped Ferrers diagrams. We calculate the Ehrhart polynomials of these matroids and consequently write down the Ehrhart polynomial of $P_M$, starting with Katzman's formula for the Ehrhart polynomial of a hypersimplex. Combinatorially, our construction corresponds to constructing a uniform matroid from a paving matroid by iterating the operation of \textit{stressed-hyperplane relaxation} introduced by Ferroni, Nasr, and Vecchi, which generalizes the standard matroid-theoretic notion of circuit-hyperplane relaxation. To conclude, we will present evidence that panhandle matroids are Ehrhart positive and, as an application of the main result, compute the Ehrhart polynomials of matroids associated with Steiner systems and finite projective planes. This is joint work with Jeremy Martin, Daniel McGinnis, Dane Miyata, George Nasr, Andrés Vindas Meléndez, and Mei Yin.
POT 745
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:  Cyrus Hettle, Georgia Tech

Title:  Mathematically Quantifying Gerrymandering in

          Georgia’s Congressional Redistricting


While gerrymandering has been widely suspected in Georgia for years,

it has been difficult to quantify. We generate a large ensemble of

randomly generated non-partisan maps that are sampled from a

probability distribution which respects the geographical constraints

of the redistricting process. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo process

and techniques involving spanning trees, we can quickly generate a

robust set of plans.

Based on historical voting data, we compare the Georgia congressional

redistricting plan enacted in 2021 with the non-partisan maps. We find

that the 2021 plan will likely be highly non-responsive to changing

opinions of the electorate, unlike the plans in the ensemble. Using

additional spatial analysis, we highlight areas where the map has been

redrawn to weaken the influence of Democratic voters.

This talk is based on joint work with Swati Gupta, Gregory Herschlag,

Jonathan Mattingly, Dana Randall, and Zhanzhan Zhao.

POT 745
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Discrete CATS Seminar

Speaker:  Richard Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky

Title:  Sharing Pizza in n Dimensions

Monday, February 7th 2022

2 pm POT 745



We introduce and prove the n-dimensional Pizza Theorem. Let ℋ be a real n-dimensional hyperplane arrangement. If K is a convex set of finite volume, the pizza quantity of K is the alternating sum of the volumes of the regions obtained by intersecting K with the arrangement ℋ. We prove that if  is a Coxeter arrangement different from A_1^n such that the group of isometries W generated by the reflections in the hyperplanes of  contains the negative of the identity map, and if K is a translate of a convex set that is stable under W and contains the origin, then the pizza quantity of K is equal to zero. Our main tool is an induction formula for the pizza quantity involving a subarrangement of the restricted arrangement on hyperplanes of H that we call the even restricted arrangement. We get stronger results in the case of balls. We prove that the pizza quantity of a ball containing the origin vanishes for a Coxeter arrangement  with |ℋ|-n an even positive integer.

This is joint work with Sophie Morel and Margaret Readdy.

POT 745
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Discrete CATS Seminar

Note special day and time!

Speaker:  JiYoon Jung, Marshall University

Title:  Lattice path matroid polytopes

Abstract: A lattice path matroid is a transversal matroid

corresponding to a pair of lattice paths on the plane. A matroid base

polytope is the polytope whose vertices are the incidence vectors of

the bases of the given matroid. In this talk, we study the facial

structures of matroid base polytopes corresponding to lattice path

matroids. In the case of a border strip, we show that all faces of a

lattice path matroid polytope can be described by certain subsets of

deletions, contractions, and direct sums. In particular, we express

them in terms of the lattice path obtained from the border

strip. Subsequently, the facial structures of a lattice path matroid

polytope for a general case are explained in terms of certain tilings

of skew shapes inside the given region.

Zoom meeting number: 868 0578 9053

Zoom meeting number: 868 0578 9053
Event Series: