Title: Chromatic symmetric homology for graphs: some new developments
Abstract: In his study of the four colour problem, Birkhoff showed that the number of ways to colour a graph with k colours is a polynomial P(k) in k, which he called the chromatic polynomial. Later, Stanley defined the chromatic symmetric function X, which is a multivariable lift of the chromatic polynomial so that when the first k variables are set to 1, it recovers P(k). We showed that this can be further lifted to a homological setting so that its bigraded Frobenius character recovers X. In this talk, we survey some new results regarding the strength of the chromatic symmetric homology of a graph, and state some (surprising?) conjectures. A part of the talk will be devoted to discussing Specht modules for symmetric group over the complex field, and other fields. This is based on joint work with Chandler, Sazdanovic, and Stella.