POT 745
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Ben Reese, University of Kentucky
Speaker: Ben Reese, University of Kentucky
Title: Zero-One Schubert Polynomials
Schubert polynomials were first defined by Bernstein-Demazure in 1973-1974, and they arise in several areas of combinatorics and representation theory. We present three different descriptions of these polynomials due to Lascoux-Schutzenberger, Billey-Jockusch-Stanley, and Magyar. We then discuss the Fink-Meszaros-St. Dizier pattern avoidance characterization of Schubert polynomials having zero-one coefficients. This is motivated by those Schubert polyomials that equal the integer point transform of the generalized permutahedron.
This is a Master exam talk.
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