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Applied Math Seminar

POT 745
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
David Murrugarra

Title: Modeling RNA secondary structure with auxiliary information

Abstract: The secondary structure of an RNA sequence plays an important role in determining its function, but directly observing RNA secondary structure is costly and difficult. Therefore, researchers have developed computational tools to predict the secondary structure of RNAs. One of the most popular methods is the Nearest Neighbor Thermodynamic Model (NNTM). More recently, high-throughput data that correlates with the state of a nucleotide being paired or unpaired has been developed. This data, called SHAPE for `selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension', has been incorporated as auxiliary information into the objective function of NNTM with the goal of improving the accuracy of the predictions. This type of prediction is referred to as SHAPE-directed RNA secondary structure modeling. The addition of auxiliary information usually improves the accuracy of the predictions of NNTM. This talk will discuss challenges in RNA secondary structure modeling using NNTM and will provide ideas for developing synthetic auxiliary information that can be incorporated into NNTM to improve the accuracy of the predictions.