Teaching and Learning Seminar
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
Dr. Brad Elliott will share his experience assigning a probability project related to social justice issues.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
We will discuss Ungrading, the practice of removing or de-emphasizing the traditional role of grades in courses. To prepare for the discussion, if you have time, please watch this video interview with Dr. Susan Blum, author of the book Ungrading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JJHHCiSgVs. Please note down any points you find interesting or worth discussing. If you don't have time to watch the video beforehand, I hope you'll still attend the discussion.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
Dr. Ben Braun will describe and discuss specifications grading and the feminist care ethic. This seminar will take place in Whitehall Classroom building, room 203.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
Shahzad Kallou and Matthew McCarver will demonstrate Gradescope, a website that facilitates grading, and will share their experience using it in a large, coordinated course.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
Dr. erica Whitaker will lead a discussion about Active Learning strategies in math classes.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
Dr. Chloe Wawrzyniak will give instructions and tips on creating custom Desmos activities.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
When: Thursday, April 29, 2:00 pm EST
Where: https://uky.zoom.us/j/94644526537
Speaker: Dr. Chhetri is an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of South Carolina Sumter.
Title: A Comparative Study of a Partially Flipped Model to Traditional and Fully Online Introductory Statistics Course
Abstract: Determining the best method of course delivery plagues faculty and universities across the world. We will discuss three different methods of delivery offered for the same course at a university prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and compare the data collected from each teaching method: face-to-face, targeted flipped, and fully online. Now more than ever this data and comparison is hard to acquire as universities have converted to mostly online instruction due to COVID-19. The study found that participants in the face-to-face group performed better than the other two groups. However, students in the targeted flipped group reported better satisfaction of the course. These results have important implications for improving the design of online mathematics and statistics courses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper can be found here: http://www.learntechlib.org/p/219293/
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
When: Thursday, April 15, 2:00 pm EST
Where: https://uky.zoom.us/j/94644526537
Speaker: Jessica Doering is a PhD candidate here in the University of Kentucky math department
Abstract: In the context of my research with secondary mathematics teachers, we will explore the possibility of trauma-informed mathematics education to disrupt the preschool-to-prison pipeline. We will expand the discussion to the impact of these findings on post-secondary educators and how post-secondary mathematics educators can do their part to disrupt the pipeline.
Math Teaching and Learning Seminar
When: Thursday, March 18, 2:00 pm EST
Where: https://uky.zoom.us/j/94644526537
Speaker: Dr. Edmonds is a Ross Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. She is also a UK alumna, receiving her bachelors degrees in Math and English here.
Title: Hidden Figures, Service Learning, and Mathematical Community
Abstract: In this talk, we position service learning as a pedagogical tool that allows for a focus on diversity, inclusion, outreach, and belonging in mathematics. In particular, we highlight the first service-learning course offered by the Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University, Intersections of Mathematics of Society: Hidden Figures. We will discuss service learning, what it is, what it isn’t, and conclude by workshopping ideas for those interested in incorporating components from our course into their future course design.