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SIAM Student Chapter

SIAM Visiting Lecture

Title: Accelerating drug discovery with high-throughput phenotypic screening and deep learning

Abstract: The application of deep learning to massive datasets is revolutionizing technologies and industries. At Recursion, we are working to do the same for drug discovery. In this talk, I will introduce the drug discovery process, and describe how we apply deep learning to images of cells produced in our own automated, high-throughput laboratories to construct maps of biological relationships between genes and drugs. These maps are the key ingredient in how we accelerate important parts of drug discovery.

Event Series:

SIAM Invited Speaker

Speaker: Helen Moore, Director of Applied Mathematics, Applied BioMath
Title: Systems Modeling in Biopharma
Abstract: Quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) models are increasingly being used for decision making in the biotechnology/pharmaceutical (biopharma) industry. QSP models are typically systems of ordinary differential equations with some mechanistic level of detail of the disease and a therapy. Parameter values in a QSP model are obtained from data, the literature, or from disease/biology experts. Once parameter values or distributions are determined, a QSP model can be used for predictive purposes. I will show some examples of QSP models used on actual client projects. I will also share tips for those interested in working in the biopharma industry.
Dr. Moore is a mathematician who spent 11 years in academia, primarily modeling oncology, immunology, and virology. While in academia, she won two teaching awards and received a National Science Foundation grant for her research. During 14 years in the biopharma industry, she has worked at Genentech, Certara, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca, and now Applied BioMath. In 2018, she was named a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Her current work includes mechanistic ODE systems modeling, modeling of tumor dynamics, optimization of combination regimens, and evaluation of model predictions. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1989, and earned her PhD in mathematics from Stony Brook University in New York in 1995.


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