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Algebra and Geometry Seminar

Algebra and Geometry Seminar

Gorenstien Projective Precovers

We consider a right coherent and left n-perfect ring R. We prove that the class of Gorenstein projective complexes is special precovering in the category of unbounded complexes, Ch(R). As a corollary, we show that the class of Gorenstein projective modules is special precovering over such a ring.  This is joint work with Sergio Estrada and Sinem Odabasi.

POT 745

Seminar on Algebra and Geometry

Title:  Introduction to Linkage

Abstract:  Liaison theory studies ideals by "linking" them to nicer ideals that are well understood, and so gaining some interesting information about the original ideals.  In this talk we will introduce some key ideas in liaison theory and apply them to the study of ideals generated by minors in a symmetric skew tableau. This will include some recent work with Uwe Nagel.


745 Patterson Office Tower

Laplacian ideals, arrangements, and resolutions

The classical Laplacian matrix of a graph G describes the combinatorial dynamics of the Abelian Sandpile Model and the more general Riemann-Roch theory of G.  The lattice ideal associated to the Laplacian provides a more recently considered algebraic perspective on this (re)emerging field.  The Laplacian ideal has a distinguished monomial initial ideal that has also been studied in connection with G-parking functions.  We study homological properties and show that a minimal free resolution of the initial ideal is supported on the bounded subcomplex of a section of the graphical arrangement of G.  As a corollary we obtain a combinatorial characterization of the Betti numbers in terms of acyclic orientations.  This generalizes constructions from Postnikov and Shaprio (for the case of the complete graph) and connects to work of Manjunath and Sturmfels, and Perkinson on the commutative algebra of Sandpiles.  This is joint work with Raman Sanyal.

745 Patterson Office Tower
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