POT 745
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Nourridine Siewe, NIMBIOS
Title: The Potential Role of Subclinical Infection in Outbreaks of Emerging Pathogens
Abstract: Many rare or emerging diseases exhibit different epidemioligical behaviors from
outbreak to outbreak, leaving it unclear how to best characterize the relevant facets
that could be exploited for outbreak mitigation/control. Some studies have already
proposed considering the role of active subclinical infections co-emerging and cocirculating
as part of the process of emergence of a novel pathogen. However,
consideration of the role of subclinical infections in emerging disease dynamics
have usually avoided considering the full set of possible influences. Most recently,
the Ebola outbreak 2014 seems to fit all the criteria for possible involvement of
subclinical circulation. We argue that an understanding of the potential mechanism
for diversity in observed epidemiological dynamics may be of considerable
importance in understanding and preparing for outbreaks of novel and/or emerging
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