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Teaching and Learning Seminar

Dr. Alex McAllister and Dr. Joel Kilty will share how Centre College has re-envisioned its calculus sequence.  Their goal, in partnership with Southwestern University, was to rethink the entire calculus curriculum to meet the needs of modern students and the realities of their classrooms.  Their talk will include time for discussion.

POT 745, and on Zoom

Math Teaching and Learning Seminar

Speaker: Dr. Brian P Katz, of CSU, Long Beach
Title: Implicit Assumptions in Assessment
Description: Students come to our courses with many beliefs about assessment based on their past experiences, and we bring our own too. My assessments focus on synthesis, which is often unfamiliar to my students and which is built on a perspective about teaching and learning that usually differs from my students' in fundamental ways. If left implicit, these differences in perspective can make assessment ineffective or stressful. In this session, I will attempt to make explicit some of these areas of difference in ways that I think will help students engage in synthesis assessments more effectively and comfortably. Ben Braun has graciously agreed to be a designated respondent to help get the discussion started in the second half of this session.
Dr. Katz will present remotely via Zoom at this link.  If you wish, you can join the seminar in POT 745, to be in person with other attendees.
POT 745, or via Zoom

Math Teaching and Learning Seminar

We will discuss Ungrading, the practice of removing or de-emphasizing the traditional role of grades in courses.  To prepare for the discussion, if you have time, please watch this video interview with Dr. Susan Blum, author of the book Ungrading  Please note down any points you find interesting or worth discussing.  If you don't have time to watch the video beforehand, I hope you'll still attend the discussion.

POT 745, or via Zoom

Working Group on Ethics, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Mathematical Sciences

Meetings of the UK Working Group on Ethics, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Mathematical Sciences: 

CB 337
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