Former Doctoral Students in Algebra (1990-present)
- 2024:
- John Hall (Leep): Pairs of Quadratic Forms over p-Adic Fields
- Kathryn Hechtel (Gluesing-Luerssen): Properties of Skew-Polynomial Rings and Skew-Cyclic Codes
- Michael Morrow (Nagel): Computational Methods for OI-Modules
- 2023:
- Courtney George (Manon): Toric Bundles as Mori Dream Spaces
- Angela Hanson (Jensen): Surjectivity of the Wahl map on cubic graphs
- Benjamin Jany (Gluesing-Luerssen): q-Polymatroids and their application to rank-metric codes
- Noah Speeter (Jensen): Methods of computing graph gonalities
- 2022:
- Joseph Cummings (Manon): Tropical Geometry of T-Varieties with Applications to Algebraic Statistics
- 2021:
- Darleen Perez-Lavin (Leep): The Plus-Minus Davenport Constant of Finite Abelian Groups
- Deborah Blevins (Leep): The Smallest Solution of an Isotropic Quadratic Form
- Jay White (Nagel): Maximums of Total Betti Numbers in Hilbert Families
- Hunter Lehmann (Gluesing-Luerssen): Weight Distributions, Automorphisms, and Isometries of Cyclic Orbit Codes
- Kaelin Cook-Powell (Jensen): On the Brill-Noether Theory of Curves in Hurwitz Spaces
- Drew Duncan (Leep): Solubility of Additive Forms over Local Fields
- 2020:
- Aida Maraj (Nagel): Algebraic and Geometric Properties of Hierarchical Models
- Rachel Petrik (Leep): Solutions to systems of equations over finite fields
- Nandita Sahajpal (Leep): Simultaneous zeros of a system of two quadratic forms
- Kalila Sawyer (Jensen): Scrollar invariants of tropical chains of loops
- Bill Trok (Nagel): Geometry of linear subspace arrangements with connections to matroid theory
- 2019:
- Jared Antrobus (Gluesing-Luerssen): The State of Lexicodes and Ferrers Diagram Rank-Metric Codes
- Tefjol Pllaha (Gluesing-Luerssen): Equivalence of Classical and Quantum Codes
- 2017:
- Isaiah Harney (Gluesing-Luerssen): Colorings of Hamming-Distance Graphs
- Luis Sordo Vieira (Leep): On p-adic Fields and p-Groups
- 2016:
- Jonathan Constable (Leep): Kronecker's Theory of Binary Bilinear Forms
- Neville Fogarty (Gluesing-Luerssen): On Skew-Constacyclic Codes
- 2015:
- Nicholas Armenoff (Nagel): Free Resolutions Associated to Representable Matroids
- William Robinson (Nagel): Determinantal Ideals from Symmetrized Skew Tableaux
- Carolyn Troha (Gluesing-Luerssen): Analysis and Constructions of Subspace Codes
- 2014:
- Scott Brewer (Enochs): Algebraic Properties of Formal Power Series Composition
- Sema Gunturkun (Nagel): Homogeneous Gorenstein Ideals and Boij Söderberg Decompositions
- Ray Kremer (Enochs): Homological Algebra with Filtered Modules
- Casey Monday (Enochs): A Characterization of Serre Classes of Reflexive Modules Over a Complete Local Noetherian Ring
- Furuzan Ozbek (Enochs): Subfunctors of Extension Functors
- Stephen Sturgeon (Nagel): Boij-Söderberg Decompositions, Cellular Resolutions, and Polytopes
- 2012:
- David Cook II (Nagel): Lefschetz Properties and Enumerations
- Aleams Barra (Gluesing-Luerssen): Equivalence Theorems and the Local-Global Property
- Dennis Moore (Nagel): Hilbert Polynomials and Strongly Stable Ideals
- Elizabeth Weaver (Gluesing-Luerssen): Minimality and Duality of Tail-Biting Trellises for Linear Codes
- 2011:
- Laura Steil (Leep): Isometry Classes of Quadratic Forms defined over p-adic Rings
- 2010:
- Dibyajyoti Deb (Leep): Diagonal Forms and the Rationality of the Poincare Series
- 2008:
- Julia Chifman (Beidleman): Direct Products and the Intersection Map of Certain Classes of Finite Groups
- Jack Schmidt (Enochs): Rewriting Systems for Finite Groups
- Sonja Petrovic (Nagel): Algebraic and combinatorial properties of certain toric ideals and applications
- Shawn Clift (Enochs): Generalized Witt Vectors
- Daniel Kiteck (Enochs): Covers of Models
- Rachelle Bouchat (Nagel): Algebraic properties of edge ideals
- Philip Busse (Nagel): Multivariate list decoding of evaluation codes with a Gröbner basis perspective
- Gene Butcher (Enochs): A study of projective complexes
- Erik Stokes (Nagel): The h-vectors of matroids and the arithmetic degree of squarefree strongly stable ideals
- 2005:
- Alina Iacob (Enochs): Generalized Tate cohomology
- Todorka Nedeva (Enochs): Rings of powers series in the binomial polynomials
- Kathy Sharrow Pinzon (Enochs): Simple homotopy theory for cell complexes
- Matthew Ragland (Beidleman): On generalizations of finite groups in which normality is a transitive relation
- Molly Wesley (Enochs): Torsion free covers of graded and filtered modules
- 2002:
- Christopher Bullock (Enochs): Chain numbers of modules
- Mark Motley (Leep): Isomorphism classes of elliptic and hyperelliptic function fields
- Andrew Sills (Andrews and Sathaye): Computer-assisted explorations of Rogers-Ramanujan type identities
- 2001:
- 2000:
- Dempsey, David W. (Enochs): Functors and the Preservation of Covers and Envelopes
- Sagandykov, Makhmud (Enochs): On Homological Structures of Transformation Groups
- Varbalon, Julia (Enochs): Injective and Projective Representations of Quivers
- Aldrich, Stephen T.(Enochs): Exact ans Semisimple Differential Graded Algebras and Modules
- Bevelacqua, Anthony (Leep): Isotropy of 4-dimensional torsion quadratic forms over F(x,y) for certain fields F
- Zaman, Naveed (Enochs): Minimal Generators
- 1999:
- Faulkner, Leanne (Coleman): Engel Properties of Modular Group Algebras
- 1998:
- Starr, Colin (Leep): Sums of Squares of Polynomials in R[x1,...,xn]
- Aubuchon, Christopher (Enochs): A Functor from the Category of Complexes of Left R-Modules to the Category of Left R(
- 1997:
- Ashby, William Todd (Enochs): The Characterization of Graded Principal Ideal Domains and Graded Torsion Free Covering Modules
- Xu, Jinzhong (Enochs): Flat Covers of Modules
- 1996:
- Schueller, Laura (Leep): Pairs of Quadratic Forms over Arbitrary Fields
- Yi, Okyeon (Enochs): Local Nilpotence of Envelopes and Universal Enveloping Algebras
- 1995:
- Bronstein, Albert (Enochs): On Representations of Quivers
- 1994:
- Brooks, Clayton (Enochs): Homotopy Theory of Modules
- Cyrus, Vivian (Enochs): The Category of Monoids
- 1992:
- Park, Sangwon (Enochs): The Macaulay-Northcott Functor
- 1991:
- Akatsa, Victor (Enochs): Flat Envelopes and Negative Torsion Functors
- Stenerson, Jon (Sathaye): Space Curves as Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections
- Branner, Frank (Enochs): On the Projective Functor
- Lilly, Glenn (Enochs): The Cl Generalization of Bailey's Transform and Bailey's Lemma
- 1990:
- Yeomans, Charles (Leep): Quintic Forms over Finite and Local Fields
- Goddard, Mark (Enochs): Projective Covers of Complexes