Speaker: Cyrus Hettle, Georgia Tech
Title: Mathematically Quantifying Gerrymandering in
Georgia’s Congressional Redistricting
While gerrymandering has been widely suspected in Georgia for years,
it has been difficult to quantify. We generate a large ensemble of
randomly generated non-partisan maps that are sampled from a
probability distribution which respects the geographical constraints
of the redistricting process. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo process
and techniques involving spanning trees, we can quickly generate a
robust set of plans.
Based on historical voting data, we compare the Georgia congressional
redistricting plan enacted in 2021 with the non-partisan maps. We find
that the 2021 plan will likely be highly non-responsive to changing
opinions of the electorate, unlike the plans in the ensemble. Using
additional spatial analysis, we highlight areas where the map has been
redrawn to weaken the influence of Democratic voters.
This talk is based on joint work with Swati Gupta, Gregory Herschlag,
Jonathan Mattingly, Dana Randall, and Zhanzhan Zhao.