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Discrete Math Seminar

Discrete Math Seminar

TITLE:  Toric posets in Coxeter groups, toggle groups, non-crossing partitions, and homomesy.

ABSTRACT:  A toric poset is a cyclic analogue of an ordinary poset that arises as a chamber of a toric graphic hyperplane arrangement. In this talk, I will show how toric posets turn classic concepts and problems on reducibility in Coxeter groups into new problems on cyclic reducibility and conjugacy. After that, I will give a brief introduction to dynamic algebraic combinatorics and the toggle group introduced by Striker and Williams, and show how toric equivalence arises in a number of groups actions involving toggles and the homomesy phenomenon of Propp and Roby.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete Math Seminar

Title: Various Aspects of Eulerian Numbers

Abstract: In this talk we will survey various properties of Eulerian numbers, including connections to number theory, enumerative combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, toric algebra, and other topics as time permits.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:
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