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Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  Examining the Ehrhart Series of Reflexive Polytopes

Abstract:  The Ehrhart series of a lattice polytope encodes combinatorial data about its integer scalings. From this series, we can determine properties of the polytope that may have been otherwise obscured, such as when a corresponding semigroup algebra is Gorenstein. In this talk, we will discuss an open question about the form of the Ehrhart series for integrally closed, reflexive polytopes and describe progress in the case of simplices.


745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  Rademacher--Carlitz Polynomials

Abstract:  We introduce and study the Rademacher--Carlitz polynomial These polynomials generalize and unify various Dedekind-like sums and polynomials; most naturally, one may view the Rademacher—Carlitz polynomial as a polynomial analogue (in the sense of Carlitz) of the Dedekind--Rademacher sum, which appears in various number-theoretic, combinatorial, geometric, and computational contexts.  Our results come in three flavors: we prove a reciprocity theorem for Rademacher--Carlitz polynomials, we show how they are the only nontrivial ingredients of integer-point transforms of any rational polyhedron P, and (if time allows) we derive a novel reciprocity theorem for Dedekind--Rademacher sums, which follows naturally from our setup.

This is joint work with Matthias Beck.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  The number of cycles in the graph of 312-avoiding permutations

Abstract:  The graph of overlapping permutations is defined in a way analogous to the De Bruijn graph on strings of symbols. However, instead of requiring the tail of one permutation to equal the head of another for them to be connected by an edge, we require that the head and tail in question have their letters appear in the same order of size. We give a formula for the number of cycles of length d in the subgraph of overlapping 312-avoiding permutations.

This is joint work with Sergey Kitaev and Einar Steingrimsson.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  A Lattice Path Interpretation of the Diamond Product

Abstract:  The diamond product is a poset operation that corresponds to the Cartesian product of polytopes.  The effect the diamond product has on the cd-indices of posets has been previously studied using coproducts, which resulted in recursive formulas for the product of two cd-polynomials and showed that the product is non-negative on cd-indices.  In this talk, I will give a combinatorial interpretation for the diamond product of two cd-monomials that involves weighted lattice paths.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  A Little TLC

Abstract:  Every semester the research triangle in North Carolina hosts the Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics (TLC). Since not everyone was able to attend TLC this semester, we thought we would bring TLC to you.


George Andrews studies Mock-theta functions. Sarah Nelson will present highlights from Dr. Andrews' two talks, including history behind Ramanujan's Lost Notebook and some Rogers-Ramanujan identities.


Matt Beck surveys old and new theorems on graph polynomials. Florian Kohl will report some key results from this talk through the 'lens of discrete geometry' with the goal of weaving a unifying thread through some results on graph polynomials.


Victoria Powers presented on what she calls "Certificates of Positivity".  Lola Davidson and Wesley Hough will cover some basic theory and practice of these Certificates.


Robin Pemantle presented on a new lattice recursion, called the Hexahedron recursion, and some of its consequences.  Liam Solus will introduce the concept of a lattice recursion with some classic examples and then discuss Robin Pemantle's findings.


Yue Cai will be the MC for this event.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Discrete CATS Seminar

Title:  Classification of Ehrhart polynomials of integral simplices

Abstract:  The Ehrhart polynomials of an integral convex polytope is the counting function of the integer points contained in its dilation. In this talk, by using two well-known inequalities, we classify all the possible Ehrhart polynomials of integral convex polytopes with small normalized volumes. Moreover, we also discuss the Ehrhart polynomials of integral simplices with prime normalized volume

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Factorizations of combinatorial Macdonald polynomials

The Hilbert series of the Garsia-Haiman module can be defined combinatorially as generating functions of certain fillings of Ferrers diagrams. One of the challenges in working with the combinatorial definition is the large number of fillings needed to generate a polynomial. In this talk we look at combinatorial proof of some factorizations of the Hilbert series.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

The cd-index of Bruhat intervals

The cd-index of an Eulerian poset is a polynomial in noncommuting variables that is used to encode data on the number of chains within that poset.  I will focus in this talk on a particular class of Eulerian posets involving the Bruhat order of Coxeter groups.  I will use poset operations such as zipping and the pyramid operation to develop Reading's recursive formula for the cd-index of Bruhat intervals.

945 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

A combinatorial approach for q-Stirling numbers

There are many combinatorial interpretations of Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds. In this talk I will focus on the interpretations of de Medicis and Leroux involving 0-1 tableaux and 0-1 matrices. I will describe how they use them to prove identities involving Stirling numbers, such as orthogonality and Carlitz' identity.


945 POT
Event Series:

The h*-vector of Gorenstein Polytopes with Regular, Unimodular Triangulations

A problem of recent importance has been to identify when a lattice polytope has a symmetric and unimodular h*-vector. In the 1960s, Stanley showed that symmetry occurs exactly when the polytope is Gorenstein. In 2003, Athanasiadis gave sufficient conditions for unimodality.  In this talk, we will discuss a result by Bruns and Römer that generalizes these conditions.

POT 945
Event Series: