Discrete CATS Seminar
Speaker: Aida Maraj, University of Kentucky
Title: Hierarchical models and their toric ideals
Speaker: Aida Maraj, University of Kentucky
Title: Hierarchical models and their toric ideals
Mathematics Qualifying Exam for Julie Vega.
Title: Chromatic Numbers, Hom Complexes, and Topological Obstructions (or a great way to organize your favorite maps)
Abstract: Imagine a pleasant graph, but in color. Now let’s make it a little more exciting by coloring vertices such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. The smallest number for which you can do this is called the “chromatic number.” In ’78 Lov`asz used the connectivity of the neighborhood complex to find lower bounds for the chromatic number. Later, he generalized this idea to the Hom Complex, Hom(G, H), which encodes graph homomorphisms between G and H and their relationship. In this talk, following an argument by Babson and Kozlov, we will look at Hom complexes and use Stiefel Whitney classes to find lower bounds on the chromatic number of a graph.
Mathematics Dissertation Defense for Marie Meyer.
Mathematics Dissertation Defense for McCabe Olsen.
Speaker: Karthik Chandrasekhar
Title: Facing up to metrics
Nick Early, University of Minnesota.
Canonical bases for permutohedral plates
For more details, see Discrete CATS website
Speaker: Carl Lee, University of Kentucky
Title: The Ingredients of the g-Theorem
For more details, see Discrete CATS website
McCabe Olsen, University of Kentucky.
Title: Ehrhart theory and ordered set partitions
For more details, see Discrete CATS website
Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, University of Kentucky
Fixed Subpolytopes of the Permutahedron
Motivated by the generalization of Ehrhart theory with group actions, this project makes progress towards obtaining the equivariant Ehrhart theory of the permutahedron. The fixed subpolytopes of the permutahedron are the polytopes that are fixed by acting on the permutahedron by a permutation. We prove some general results about the fixed subpolytopes. In particular, we compute their dimension, show that they are combinatorially equivalent to permutahedra, provide hyperplane and vertex descriptions, and prove that they are zonotopes. Lastly, we obtain a formula for the volume of these fixed subpolytopes, which is a generalization of Richard Stanley's result of the volume for the standard permutahedron. This is joint work with Federico Ardila (San Francisco State) and Anna Schindler (University of Washington).
For more details, see Discrete CATS website
Ben Braun, University of Kentucky.
Ehrhart h* polynomials, unit circle roots, and Ehrhart positivity
We will introduce the basics of Ehrhart theory, then discuss methods for establishing Ehrhart positivity using h* polynomials with roots on the unit circle. This is based on joint work with Fu Liu.
For more details, see Discrete CATS website