- Do you enjoy tackling problems whose solution requires mathematics, and do you persist in getting the solution?
- Do you have a talent for mathematics, and do you want to expand your knowledge of the subject?
- Are you interested in learning how things work, and then explaining what you have learned to others?
If your answer to one or more of these questions is yes, you should consider majoring in mathematics. UK mathematics majors have gone on to become professional mathematicians, teachers, doctors, lawyers, actuaries, statisticians and programmers, to name a few of the possibilities.
The following presentation contains useful information for mathemathics majors and prospective mathematics majors:
To set up an appointment to discuss your plans, contact:
Alberto Corso, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY, 40506-0027
Phone: 859 257 3167
To find out more about careers in mathematics, follow the links below.
Links to Information on Careers for Mathematics Students
- http://www.ams.org/careers-edu/undergrad.html
- http://www.beanactuary.org
- http://www.amstat.org/Careers/
- http://www.maa.org/careers/
- http://www.mastersindatascience.org/
- Where Can Math Take Me?