Topic: Text as Data
Abstract: Professor Wedeking will give a summary of three projects that he has been involved in using text as data (1 is published, 1 is under review, and 1 is ongoing). Specifically, for each of the 3 projects, He will: (1) describe the method he's using, what it generally is used for; (2) the motivation for the project-e.g., the substantive research question and relevant background information; (3) a brief description of the data; and (4) the results of the method and the substantive conclusions. The three projects are: (1) measuring how legal issues are framed (e.g., free speech vs. right to privacy, etc) and how that helps parties win; (2) uncovering the clarity of texts using readability formulas; and (3) scaling justices with texts- uncovering their ideological positions (how liberal or conservative they are) using their words.