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Algebra Seminar

POT 745
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Bill Trok

Title: Waring's Problem on Forms, Fat Points and the Macaulay Inverse Systems

Abstract: Waring's Problem on Forms is the question, given a homogeneous form F of degree d in n variables. What is the smallest integer K, so that there are linear forms L_1,...,L_K, where F = L_1^d + ... + F_K^d. For a given form, F, this integer is called the Waring rank of F. Ehrenborg and Rota showed that for generic forms, this problem is equivalent to computing the Hilbert Polynomial of generic double point ideals, a problem solved in 1995 by Alexander and Hirschowitz. In this talk, we discuss the connection between these problems, and discuss results on forms whose Waring Rank exceeds that of generic forms.